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Judy F. Parker is the owner of Hour Her gift
of writing has allowed her to write several skits and plays for her local church in Rocky Mount North Carolina. One of her favorite plays entitled “Beyond the Cross” has been performed several times during the Easter season.
Judy, like most women wears many hats, wife, mother, grandmother, aunt
sister, and author just to name a few.
Her love of poetry encouraged her to write her first children’s book, entitled “Let Me Bee”.
This book is the first one in her series entitled “The Bee
In 2020 another new and improved version of "Let Me Bee" was published entitled” Buzzing to the Top”. This book is full of colorful images, brilliant story
line and even includes a coloring book.
Judy’s hope for this series of books is that they would
create a thirst in children to seek God, develop a
relationship with Him, learn how to maneuver in life
while fulfilling the purpose He has called them to.
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